Featuring Other Channels on Your YouTube Channel – The Channel Tab

You never hear much about the Channel tab. Every YouTube channel has one. Typically you’ll learn over time to optimize the Home tab, Playlists, and even how to use your Community tab (once you get it at 500 subscribers). But what about the Channel tab? What’s it there for?

If you have your subscriptions set to be public, they could reside in the Channels tab. But this is just a randomly ordered list of the channels you’re subscribed to. There are no customization options for these. What if you wanted to clearly promote or display a curated list of channels?

Well, you can!

In the video below, you will get the full demonstration, but essentially you can set-up a Featured Channels section on your Home tab. In doing so, it makes that same list available to view in your Channel tab. Not only that, you can customize the name of this list if you want to call it something more compelling than “Recommended Channels”.

Dive into the full tutorial now, and if you have any questions, make sure to reach out via the comments section on the video!

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